Verbes communs et conjugaisons-Fracias
Savoir Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To Know” In French The conjugation of savoir (Meaning: To know in French; Pronunciation savwaʀ) is: Je sais (I know), tu sais (you know), il/elle sait (he/she knows), nous savons (we know), vous savez (you know), ils/elles savent (they know). This post provides conjugation charts for savoir in six major verb tenses. Bottom of Form Savoir is an irregular ir verb. This means that its endings in the present tense are different to other regular -ir verbs , such as finir (to finish). In this post we’ve covered the following major tenses: · present (le présent) · passé composé (compound past) · imperfect (l’imparfait) · fu...